CPO Seminar Series
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy-Room 850 144 College Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaHarnessing the Immune System in the Treatment of Cancer: New Agents in the Clinic Speaker: Dr. Lillian Siu, MD Senior Medical Oncologist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
CPO Seminar Series
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy-Room1210 144 College Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaPeptides for molecular imaging and therapy of cancer – from preclinical development to clinical translation in Europe Speaker: Dr. Clemens Decristoforo Honorary Professor, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria. Radiopharmacist, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria.
Vaughn Estate, Sunnybrook Estate. 2075 Bayview Ave, Toronto, ON, CanadaThe first annual research symposium for the Centre for Pharmaceutical Oncology
CPO Seminar Series
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy-Room 850 144 College Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaImaging Mice with One Hand while Translating to Patients with the Other: Finding Balance Speaker: Dr. Ralph DaCosta Cancer Care Ontario Research Chair in Cancer Imaging Princess Margaret Cancer Centre University Health Network
CPO Seminar Series
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy-Room 850 144 College Street, Toronto, ON, CanadaTwo birds with one stone?: Blocking RB null Cancers, and Ideas for Regenerating Vision Speaker: Dr. Rod Bremner Senior Scientist, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital Professor, Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology & Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto