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You’re Invited to the Third Annual
Centre for Pharmaceutical Oncology Research Symposium
Tuesday, April 16
Session: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Faculty Club
University of Toronto
Members and Guests of the Centre for Pharmaceutical Oncology
Registration for this day is free of charge to all members of the Centre of Pharmaceutical Oncology.
Registration is now closed.
To view the Symposium Program click view.
Call for Abstracts
There will be an opportunity for CPO trainees to share their research with symposium attendees. A research poster session will be part of the event. In a poster session preview, all trainees will present a single slide summarizing their poster.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 20th.
Poster size is: 3 ft X 3 ft (91 cm X 91 cm).
To view Abstracts click here
We hope to see you there!
Event is sponsored by:
Oncology Leader

Oncology Innovator

Collaboration Enabler

Collaboration Enabler

Speaker: Eileen Rakovitch
Scientist, Odette Cancer Centre, Department of Radiation Oncology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Speaker: Syed Mukhtar Ahmed
Postdoctoral Trainee, Macara Lab, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University
Omic integration as an approach to uncover new cancer targets
Speaker: Dr. Michael Moran
Speaker: John Bartlett
Program Director, Transformative Pathology, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Recognizing a Role for Breast Cancer Heterogeneity
Speaker: Dr. Susan Done and Dr. Nisha Kanwar
Cloaking Potent Electrophilic Warheads: Shape, a New Stealth Approach
Speaker: Patrick Gunning
Professor, Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences, University of Toronto
The Frontiers of Pancreatic Cancer
Speaker: Dr. David Hedley
Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Professor of Medicine, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto